AISC Advanced Certified Steel Erector is a badge JPW Companies wears proudly. It testifies to the fact that our quality and safety practices are unsurpassed in the steel industry. AISC certified companies are subjected to intense third party audits by people experienced in steel erection to evaluate their quality management system. To obtain this certification, a company has to meet stringent quality and safety requirements and demonstrate that all policies and procedures are implemented and effective in the field. JPW’s quality/safety management begins before an employee or piece of equipment leaves the shop. Project Specific Erection Plans (PSEP’s) and Project Specific Safety Plans (PSSP’s) are written and communicated throughout the company for each project. Erection and crane lift plan software is used to generate an effective and safe project erection sequence and erection drawing.
What it Means to be AISC Ceritfied

Other aspects of JPW’s quality management system include:
• New employees go through an initial orientation familiarizing them with JPW policies and procedures.
• All employees are thoroughly trained in every aspect of safety, including fall protection, equipment operation, first aid and CPR, as well as our own policies and procedures.
• Job site superintendents conduct daily safety briefings that focus on potential problems unique to each job site and ways to avoid them.
• Our weldors are AWS and DOT certified, and our crane operators are state licensed.
Due to the volume and complexity of our Quality Management Program, it cannot be described in detail here. Click on the following links to learn a little more about our AISC Advanced Certified Erector Program Guidelines and Quality Assurance Program.
The American Institute of Steel Construction has set the standard by which the steel industry is measured for over 75 years. The quality certification program recognizes five different categories; Metal Building Systems (mb), Conventional Steel Building Structures (sbd), Simple Steel Bridges (sbr), Standard for Steel building structures (ssbs), and Major Steel Bridges (cbr). A Complex Steel Building Structures fabricator is certified for large public service and institutional buildings, heavy manufacturing plants, powerhouses, metal producing/rolling buildings, crane girders, bunkers and bins, stadium, auditoriums, high-rise buildings, petro/chemical processing. Companies certified for Complex Steel Building Structures are automatically certified for Conventional Steel Building Structures.
Companies that are quality certified have been through a rigorous initial evaluation, and are subject to yearly reviews. Independent auditors confirm that companies have the personnel, knowledge, organization, equipment, experience, capability, procedures, and commitment to produce the required quality of work for a given category. Included under personnel is a certified welding inspector, which is a person that can not be involved with production and has the job of inspecting and documenting every piece of steel that leaves a shop. This person has must have the authority to override the production manager.
Why should I specify a certified company for my projects?
Specifying a certified company:
- Per New York State code this fabricator certification alleviates the owner from steel inspections that are required during fabrication. This in return saves the owner money. (excludes weld inspections)
- Improves quality of partners in the building team
- Enhances the chance for a positive working relationship on projects you are designing
- Signals other companies of your concern for high quality on your projects
- Provides a tool to help you qualify those working on your project
- Helps the steel industry encourage quality performance
JPW Structural Contracting holds a certification in Complex Steel Building Structures.
For a listing of certified fabricators and other information regarding the A.I.S.C. please visit their website.